The day his grandmother and grandfather passed away

Created by Tristin 8 years ago
One night jun and I were talking and he told me his grandmother recently passed away. While we talked about this I told him how I think she was in good hands and that she would be okay. He told me that his grandfather was taking this very hard... Him and I cried about it a bit and then I told him to tell his grandfather that I loved him and that it would be okay. Jun then told his grandfather all about me and his grandfather really liked me. A few days after jun and I were talking when he kept getting calls from his brother but he told me it was no big deal. Later I told him no tell me what is going on... He then told me his grandfather passed away. After that him and I cried for several hours and I told him I would always be there for him and that maybe his grandfather loved his grandmother so much that he literally couldn't live without her. The next day I saw two doves in flight and thought of his grandmother and grandfather. I then told jun that these birds are possibly his grandmother and grandfathers spirits that had reincarnated. He thought what I told him was beautiful and he went by what I had said. I now think that he is going to be the third bird I see in the sky...... This is why I think he would want to donate to save birds..... Because he was a bird that needed to be set free....